A person composes, essentially, to capture his emotions and ideas, and somehow to please himself, to dream and to say things that perhaps only he cares about. Thus, in each creation, the world that surrounds him and his relationship with it can be glimpsed.

Daniel Vega | Composer
My compositions, therefore, unveil multiple personal interests such as history, philosophy, aesthetics, literature, theater, cinema, musicology, pedagogy, and performance–as well as my enthusiasm for the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frédéric Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninov, Alberto Ginastera, Marlos Nobre and Astor Piazzolla. Latin American music and jazz are also referents for my work, as they have been intertwined with my musical environment.
Consequently, my compositions aim to establish a dialogue between these diverse elements.
Some works
Desolation (Desolación)
“Desolation” is a tango by way of song and it is dance # 2 of the “Tango suite austral”. This piece has a robust, strong, intimate and melancholic character, that evokes with a postmodern language the world of the Argentine suburb of the first half of the 20th century where Tango flourished.
Lucubrations (Elucubraciones)
“Elucubraciones” is a fugue as a tango and corresponds to dance # 3 of the “Tango suite Austral”. This piece begins with a dolce and cantabile character, which rushes towards a brioso and marcato climax, ending in a solid and forceful stretto.
Pedagogical Works
Some works
Plucking the llanera harp (Punteando)
This piece is part of a collection of pedagogical works for piano inspired by Latin American dances and rhythms. Plucking the llanera harp is a Joropo –Dance from Los Llanos of South America– with a spirited, daring and vigorous character that evokes the llanera harp, an instrument characteristic of the organology of this musical genre. This work develops speed, resistance and rhythmic dissociation of 3 against 2.
Storm (Tormenta)
This piece is part of a collection of pedagogical works for piano inspired by Latin American dances and rhythms. Tormenta is a Pasillo -Dance from the Colombian Andean region- with a strong and shocking character that strengthens the confidence and self-esteem of the student as it is easy to learn. This work develops speed, strength and rhythmic control.
Piano + Orchestra
Pedagogical works